Naturally, the next stage in my relationship with Twitter is to crack into its API to manipulate from my own applications. Turns out this is surprisingly easy to do. All of Twitter's functions are relatively simple and require very little to accomplish what you want to do.
Of course, Flash wasn't perfect. In fact, Flash was far from it. Flash required a browser plugin, wasn't truly open-source, wasn't built on open standards, wasn't SE0 friendly or friendly to accessibility concerns. It had its issues, to say the least. Add all these issues together, mixed in some HTML5 hype, and a sniper shot to the head from Apple, and this all meant the death of Flash (or murder, depending upon who's side you take in the matter).
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Now, in order for the web to win, Famous postulates that there needs to be a solution for building native-like stuff, similar in nature to Flash. But, unlike Flash, the solution would be open source, built on open web standards, deliverable without a plugin via the browser, and SEO friendly. Crack that nut and, Famous believes, the web wins. Developers win. Users win. Game over.
So, Famous has set out with nut-cracker in hand to completely disrupt the development community and make good on the merits of Flash (i.e. native performance via the web). Now, how exactly do they plan on doing that?
Famous is attempting to woo them and is offering up a destination for the jQuery community. They are doing this by taking some of the patterns known to the jQuery community and intermingling these patterns in a new framework for creating widgets and applications, called, "Famous Framework". By doing this, they, of course, hope that developers will join their movement and momentum will do its job. Given that jQuery widgets created with the jQuery plugin pattern will need to evolve, I find it refreshing that someone is offer a bridge to the next destination. Smart move.
The Famous engine, in a nut shell, makes it possible to lay out and animate DOM + WebGL in a single coordinate space at 60 frames a second. So, let me spell that out for you. By using Famous you get native performance (no plugin required) in a browser if, in fact, you are using a new enough browser.
You can open a popup easily. Modals are trickier and I have never done that with a modal before. I have used modals for other things such as alerts or confirmations, but not for loading a whole page. Seems like this guy was able to do it with a jQuery plugin: -simple-modal-dialog-with-iframe-and-generated-elements